Mustafa Tufan

Past Games

for all of us home is where life is, in the game we need to find the other "pale blue dots" in order to keep surviving in deep space.
This game is in Turkish. Bir hazine avcısı cinler tarafından lanetlenmiş bir köyün içerisindeki hazineyi bulmaya çalışmaktadır.
Bir proteinin vücuda girmesinden başlayıp önce aminoaside sonra amonyağa ve nihayet üreye dönüşmesinin hikayesi.
A bit Minecraft, a bit All That Matters, a bit Rock of Ages. Stone family is in danger and they need to rescue. Father must save them. The true path is form of heartbeating.
Mayans were right. We are in trouble now and we need to defend our world. We are together or no!