Érica Calil Nogueira

Past Games

BEM VINDES À APRESENTAÇÃO DE MOVIMENTOS EM ESTILO LIVRE! Nosso amado TAE KWON DO, a belíssima arte marcial coreana, conta agora com uma nova modalidade, baseada na estrutura dos poomses: uma sequên
No Rio de Janeiro da década de 1920's, uma dançarina de cabaré se envolve em uma trama perigosa para a situação local. Ajude Miquelina a reparar o caso.
When your house is divided with the pollution, the solution is to try to adapt to the new circumstances.
We love cats. Even those who come from space steal our analog transmission lines. And we don't care about the reason. They are CUTE~~~ Nós amamos gatos.
"Shock Wave is a competitive Battle Arena where everything goes SHAKE with the waves of attacks.
"Shock Wave is a competitive Battle Arena where everything goes SHAKE with the waves of attacks. Battle for survival with one of four super-powerful characters." The digital game "Shock Wave" is for PC platform, with Engine Unity support, multiplayer and accepts commands defined for both keyboard and joystick. The objective is to take the opponent out of the arena. For this, your avatar controls a unique artillery that produces a certain type of wave from the characteristics of the weapon.