We are the Video Game Students Association (in spanish: Asociación de Estudiantes de Videojuegos, AEV). Our official headquarters are located in the city's Social and urban innovation center of Valencia called LAS NAVES.
AEV is a founded nonprofit association that works in Spain with the aim to participate with international institutions and associations to achieve his goals. As it’s written in our articles, these are our purposes:
- Help to everyone who wants to learn about developing video games, from the amateur ones to the professional who wants to know more about his field.
- Boost the video game development through collaborative work.
- Stimulate the contact between video game students and professionals in the industry.
- Promote the video games as an art and culture form.
- Be a meeting point between people interested in developing video games.
- Incentivize the investigation and experimentation in video games.
- Advocate the ethical development in video games.
- Special interest about video games which offers disabled aid and pedagogical content.
- Help the associated to find employment in video games.
- Collaborate with associations, academies and public or private entities to achieve our goals.