Tokyo University of Technology Games
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
decay survivor/虫歯サバイバー歯を虫歯まみれにしよう! すべての歯を虫歯にしたら貴方の勝ち! 天使が歯を綺麗にしたり、枕で邪魔をしてくるぞ! 歯磨きで歯が綺麗に... 枕が歯に当たるとZZZメーターが溜まる! 虫歯作業はzzzメーターが満タンになるまでだ! Let's get teeth full of cavities! Decay all the teeth and you win!...
Deeply Rooted根はりめぐらせ戦略クリックストラテジー! Tactical Root Builder Clickstrategy. Grow deep and strong and show those pesky humans and their bombs that this should be a forest. ここは人間がいるべきじゃないゾ。爆弾にも負けない丈夫な根っこを成長させて...
Fungus 2 Fungus菌を導いて、キノコを育てよう! Guide the fungus to grow mushrooms!
It Takes RootManipulate the direction the tree roots go to improve your record !
Roots Root ReachYou are the root of the tree, absorbing the various organisms in the ground and thereby growing and going deeper into the earth. Each time you reach the end of your life span, you can pass on your...
The world is beautifulEvolution of microorganisms, the origin of living organisms, and The Game of Survival ---- 2D action game in which microorganisms are evolved and transformed into various creatures to survive Eat...
農家伝説 Farmer Legend障害物をよけながら作物を収穫する強制橫スクロール2Dアクションで、敵や障害物に当たるとゲームオーバーです。ゴール時の最終的なスコアを競います。 It's a forced side-scrolling 2D action where you harvest crops while avoiding obstacles, and it's game over if you...