Know absolutely nothing about creating a game? Excellent! You're our typical jammer at this site.
Did some coding or interactive narrative before? Beautiful! We're happy to have you here, and you're not alone.
Made a few games before or participated in a previous jam? Wonderful! Thanks for joing us!
Professional or hobbiest developer? Wow! We're honored you want to jam with us. : )
Everyone is welcome, and every skill is useful! Whether you're an artist, a writer, a coder, an editor or tester, a mathmetician, a project manager, or just a really awesome muse, we have a place for you here.
We have several mentors on site happy to help you learn something new or perfect aquired skills. We've got food. We've got fun. We've got software and craft supplies!
Whether you want to make video games, card games, interactive stories, party games, or board games -- we love them all.
Our Schedule:
Official Activities open from 4pm to 12pm
4pm: Onsite Sign In Opens. Party games and mingling for those interested in coming early and meeting some new people.
5pm: What is Global Game Jam? Tutorials. Q&A. This is a helpful session if you've never jammed before.
6pm: Official Kick off! Keynote Speaker & Theme Announcement
6:30pm: Dinner & Brainstorming
Dinner will be provided.
7:15pm: Idea Sharing & Team Forming.
7:45pm: Planning & Creating
Mentors Available from 9am - 10pm
The entirety of Saturday is dedicated to working on game development. You will have hosts there to help you with any gaming questions or needs and to run and get craft supplies. We encourage working with your group onsite as much as possible, but will have a server where you can access group work remotely. Most teams come in and out on their own schedules and a few bunker down for a long day of creation.
Snacks provided.
Lunch sites available within walking distance.
Mentors Available from 9am - Presentation.
9 am: Teams begin coming together to work on final parts of game on site.
Snacks provided all day.
If enough people on site at lunch time, Pizza!
1:00pm: Teams should begin uploading available materials to GGJ site as they become finished.
4:00pm: Games due to Global Game Jam. Complete all uploads. Begin practice for presentation.
4:30pm: Presentations begin followed by game play!
Invite your friends to come see what you've made!
Tapas provided.