UPDATE (Jan 20th, 2023): Thanks to our sponsors and tool providers --
Main Sponsor: Microsoft Xbox
Tool Provider: YAHAHA Studio (Teams using YAHAHA will be eligible for a $100 participation prize, and there's a GGJ Prep Week workshop during Jan 25-27 on GGJ's official Twitch channel.)
NOTICE (Dec 29th, 2022): REGISTRATION NOW OPEN at our external reg page!
While most of our jammers are Taiwanese, we do have international jammers from time to time, and we fully welcome you to join us if you happen to be in Taipei at the time. However, please note our local registration site is at:
And we will handle all registration from there! Please do not join this jam site if you didn't register on KKTIX first! Please also email me about the registration process if you can't read Traditional Chinese -- since we do have a pretty sophisticated registration process for team matching purposes. :)
所有參與者也都需要透過我們自己設立的 KKTIX 頁面進行報名,請務必先至 KKTIX 報名完成(https://igda-tw.kktix.cc/events/mitjam11-ggj2023)再到本場地頁面點選 Join this jam site。若 KKTIX 人數已滿,請先勿在本頁面加入場地,我們無法保證你可以參加。