Organizing Team
The jam site is organized by a team of IF(game)SH e.V., a local organization that is supporting the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein in becoming an attractive place for play, gaming culture and game production.
The organizing team has several years of experience organizing physical and online jams. We strive to be a colorful and diverse community of people making games. The event is welcoming jammers from all origins, ethnicities, identities and genders.
The team will support jammers with team-building and help with all aspects that may arise while developing a game. Jammers do not need any previous experience.
We will have several fun activities in the evenings before the game jam (see below). Jammers don’t have to attend those activities to take part in the game jam. However, the activities are supposed to enrich the overall experience.
The game jam itself will be started with a kick-off event Friday evening and there will be several smaller events over the weekend. The game jam will be ended with presentations by every team showing their games.
28.01.2023 6:00 pm Theme Reveal Evening Event
03.02.2021 6:00 pm Begin of the Main Event (THE GAME JAM)
05.02.2021 6:00 pmEnd of the Main Event and final presentations