Gateshead College GGJ23

Jam Site Owner: 
Log in to contact andrew.dockerty
Jam Site Type: 
In-person Only
Jam Site Audience: 
Primary Language: 
Entrance Fee: 
Maximum Capacity: 
Open during College hours
Event Start Date: 
Monday, January 30, 2023 - 9:00pm
Site Time Zone: 
Jam Site Description: 

Kick-off 2023 by making a new game and testing your creativity! This year, Gateshead College will be participating in the Global Game Jam, giving you the opportunity to work together or individually to create a working game. Using current tech you can work both in College and remotely through the week.

Schedule & Structure:
On Monday, January 30th at 09:00AM, we’ll kick things off with the official GGJ keynote videos and theme announcement. The announcement will take place in College and on the College Discord.

Following the kick-off, everyone will head to the Gateshead College GGJ Discord channels, and start to brainstorm ideas, form teams, and make games. We'll have extra channels set-up for you to share your ideas and meet new folks.

The week is casually structured but you must attend your regular timetabled classes. You’re welcome to work at whatever pace you like, with whomever you like, using whatever tools/platforms you like as long as you work to the timescale.

On Friday 3rd Feb we will start to upload our games prior to the midnight deadline, ready to be judged. Games will be uploaded on your teams project page.

Gateshead College Global Game Jam Discord.
We will update the channels and send out invites closer to the time to those who are not already using the college Discord.

If you are new to Discord, we recommend downloading it ahead of time and setting up an account:

Who can join the jam site?
Gateshead College students alone can join the site. Ensure you sign up with your college email. Personal accounts will be removed.

Do I need to be a game making expert to jam?
No! The jam is a great place to learn some new skills. You can start with a non-digital game, join a team, or take advantage of the suggested jam tools (posted at the start of the jam) and teach yourself something new!

What do I need to participate in the jam? Will I need to download any specific programs?
You’ll need access to internet, a computer, and Discord, but other than that you’ll be free to use whatever tools and platforms you like, including making a non-digital game.

How does making a non-digital game for an online only game jam work? 
You can share your game via videos, photos, .pdfs, or online board game simulators like Tabletopia or Tabletop Simulator.

I can’t attend the whole week! Can I still join?
Yes! We understand you may have other commitments. As long as you attend your scheduled lessons, you can choose how much time you put in through the week.

Food Options: 
Access to food in close vicinity. Drinks and snacks provided on site.
Available Tools or Technology: 
College computers with access to all of our software and facilities.
Who Can Participate: 
Games Production Students
Age Restrictions: 
16+ only

Recently Uploaded Games

You are a Ninja who has stumbled upon an ancient castle with a large tree visibly growing from it.
Our game is based on a girl that has been lost in a forest for a few days and she finds some mushrooms and eats one because she is starving.
See all games