ELAM is a state of the Art Free College catering to 16 - 19 year olds studying Games, Film & TV and Music.
Our games course is excited to participate in the our first GGJ this year. Trainees will be using our Games Facilities to produce their prototype in 2 days over Saturday and Sunday between 10am and 5pm.
We will open with an exciting get started meeting then teams will go and brainstorm their ideas and move into development when they feel confident they have an achievable and fun idea. Pizza will be provided each day and shops localy will be easily accessable.
Our game jam this year is sponsored by MSG and teams will be interviewed during the Jam expeirence to then make a short documentary on their progress. Teams can be expected to be filmed throughout the experience and interviewed at 3 different stages of the production. This will provide an execellent insight into the game jam experience for everyone else considering game jams.