Embark on an adventure together with Paia, A quirky bird who suffered the theft of her eggs by evil rat leader Ponti who controls and abuses all the inhabitants of the tree. Throughout her journey, Paia will get help from the tree itself by receiving its blessing and powers, in order to recover her eggs and stop the evil rodent hiding at the base of the tree.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
Making memories (Sponsored by dot big bang)
Sharing is caring (Sponsored by GitHub)
Year of the Rabbit
A Friend In Need
MS Windows, Mac OS X
Tools and Technologies:
.Net, Unity (any product)
Technology Notes:
For design, it was used Photoshop and Toon
Dev team:
Sergio Andres Rojas
Sanket Bihari
Juan Manuel Ciro
Alejandro Velasquez Uribe
Sofia Montoya Enciso
David Ballesteros Villa
Special Thanks:
Organizators for making this event real
Stream soyelchecho viewers
Game Stills:
Source files: