The game revolves around a character born in a powerful tribe of turnips with ancient wisdom and powerful magic. The character grows up learning about their roots and the tribe's wisdom but becomes curious about the outside world and wants to explore and learn new knowledge and magic. Despite the tribe's strict rules and punishment, the character sneaks out to learn other magic from other tribes. Yet his journey is only the beginning of his rooting in life.
AD to move left and right, space to jump, and left click to fire abilities
Jam Site:
Jam year:
Sharing is caring (Sponsored by GitHub)
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
Special Thanks to Yichi, Amanda, Zekai, and Zijia. Everyone was very dedicated and skilled to turn the idea for this game into a reality. Yichi and Amanda was the lead Artist, they made all of the models, special effects, and drawings for this game. Zijia was the lead coder for the project, he alone carry the coding aspect of this project. And finally, Zekai, who is really skilled at composing music and sound effects. I was just the support role, filled in where ever they needed me. It was such a great first game jam experience to work with everyone!!!
Video Link:
Repository Link: