This is a vertical platformers game idea where the player plays downward on the root of a tree, killing bugs and other creatures. The game takes place along the roots of a tree, and the player character's goal is to reach the bottom while defeating creatures and obstacles. There is a surprise at the bottom of the level!
Jam year:
Making memories (Sponsored by dot big bang)
Web standard (HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Flash)
Tools and Technologies:
Technology Notes:
Construct 3 came to the rescue!
Installation Instructions:
Extract File, Play Index on browser!
A to go left, D to go right, W to Jump and Space Bar to drop Bomb
Game Design: Emmanuella Ogbaugu
Sound: Black Fingers
Support: Dr Chris Agwu
Development: Olorunfemi Adedeji
Art: Olorunfemi Adedeji
Art Support: VCD Gamer, Tamar Alayefa
Game Stills:
Source files: