NEO (Nanovirus Elimination Omnipod)

Embark on a thrilling journey as a robot tasked with saving a spaceship from a viral takeover! In this intense, fast-paced game, players must connect the robot's arms to walls and use its claws to eliminate the invading viruses. With three levels of increasing difficulty, players must match the color of the viruses with the walls to successfully complete each level. Don't let the viruses take over the spaceship - the fate of the ship and its crew rests in your hands. Get ready to test your speed, reflexes, and problem-solving skills in this action-packed game of survival.
Jam Site: 
Jam year: 
Year of the Rabbit
Slava Ukraini
An Image Is Worth 1,000 Words
Creature Feature
MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux / Unix, Web standard (HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Flash)
Tools and Technologies: 
GitHub, Unity (any product)
Technology Notes: 
Photoshop/Procreate Blender
Installation Instructions: 



Alex Huang: Bro Gamer Programmer 

Grant Ross: Bro Gamer Programmer 

Jake Nguyen: Technical Artist/3D Artist

Valeria Trevino: 2D Artist 

Game Stills: 
Game Tags: 