I am Root

Stealth game focused on a gamejam theme. The player takes on a role of a tree stump survivor that tries to do anything to close nearby sawmill. Once upon a time, there was a family of trees, living peacefully in a forest. All of a sudden a group of lumberjacks mercilessly cut down this lovely group. The only survivor of the massacre was a young trunk, who was taken to a nearby sawmill to be processed into lumber. The trunk was filled with anger and sadness, as it remembered the destruction of its family and the loss of its home. It felt as though it had been unjustly punished for simply being a tree. One day the trunk came to life. It began to move on its own, seeking out the tools and machines of annihilation to destroy them with its tiny, strong roots. His dream was to bury the whole sawmill to the ground and restore his beloved paradise.
Jam Site: 
Jam year: 
Creature Feature
MS Windows, Web browser with special plugins or packaged apps
Tools and Technologies: 
GitHub, Unity (any product)

Grzegorz "Lugaid" Łojek - Programmer

Antoni "Lisiasty" Mazur - Game Director, Programmer

Dominika "Mikka" Bień - 2D Artist, UI, Animator

Emilia "Gniewomira" Mińkowska - Design, Audio

Game Stills: 
Source files: 
Game Tags: 