Your character is a leader of a group of Lumberjacks known as the Healfeller, a lumberjack with the unique magical ability to identify the “Root” of an emotional disturbance in a tree that won’t allow them to be cut and then be able to cut it down with their special ax known as the Healer’s Ax, an ax imbued with magical energy. Your character is tasked with cutting down an infamous tree in an ancient forest known as the Tree of Anger.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
Hidden Heritage (Sponsored by UK Games Fund/Tranzfuser)
Sharing is caring (Sponsored by GitHub)
Caption Contest
New Friends Along the Way
MS Windows, Mac OS X
Tools and Technologies:
GitHub, Unity (any product)
Installation Instructions:
Windows: download and extract the zip file under Source Files. From there go to Healfeller\Healfeller\My project\ and launch My Project.exe.
For Mac and Windows, you can also use the link here if the file is too big:
The Source Files zip also contains the macOs version (untested).
UI/UX engineer:
Ayman Kone
Character/Environnement/Concept Art:
Tai-Shan Hopkins
Game Design/Programming/Writer:
Jevon Parker
Sound Aquisition:
Keita Takeda
Shawn Metcalf
Level Design/ Programmer:
Emily Melo
Game Website:
Game Stills:
Source files: