GPT vs Human card game

The roots of creativity can be traced back to early human civilizations, where creative expression was manifested in forms such as art, music, literature, and storytelling. Creativity is a key driver of innovation and progress and is seen as an important aspect of human intelligence and expression. There are several debates surrounding the use of AI chatbots and programs like ChatGPT, Midjourney including replacing human jobs fears. Will designers be replaced by AI Art and chatbots? This game was designed with both educational intent and to provide motivation for game designers. It features 51 themes, pre-designed GPT plots (ChatGPT Jan 30 Version) , 8 methods for idea generation methods, 23 combination matrices, and 299 game tags from Steam to help players beat GPT.
Jam year: 
Sharing is caring (Sponsored by GitHub)
Year of the Rabbit
Slava Ukraini
The Number 23
Non-digital game (board game, card game, physical game, sport, etc.)
Installation Instructions: 
  • Print
  • Cut
  • Play

Dmitrii (Faranor) Iarovoi
Discord: Faranor#0856

Game Stills: 
Source files: 
Game Tags: 
