Gentian Impact

Gentian Impact is a frantic multiplayer action game where players compete against each other to plant, grow and harvest as many roots of the legendary plant from the Italian region of Abruzzo: the Gentian. - Plant Gentian seeds (P key) - Harvest Gentian plants when they are ready (just walk onto them) - Each three roots collected, you automatically obtain a bottle of Gentian liquor - Sell the bottles at the cart shops, or buy fences To protect your plants, you can place fences (O key). Attack other players or defend yourself (I key), or destroy fences. When you die, your score is written in a permanent leaderboard. Whoever manages to make the most money gets to the top!
Jam year: 
MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux / Unix, Web standard (HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Flash)
Tools and Technologies: 
coherence, Unity (any product)
Installation Instructions: 

The game requires a server to be up to connect. If you don't see one in the dropdown, it means the server is down and the game is unplayable (sorry!).


Ennio Pirolo - Programmer
Matteo Scimonelli - Programmer, Art
Augusto Pace - Programmer
Ciro Continisio - Programmer

Game Stills: 
Source files: 
Game Tags: 