Final version. Our game is about a boy who tries to save the planet from destructive baobab roots. The goal of the game: to protect the planet for a certain time. If the roots destroy the planet, you lose. Control is with the "←" and "→" keys, the interaction is with the "SPACE" key, to improve the equipment you need to use the "1", "2", "3" keys.
Due to technical reasons, our team could not upload the final version of the game in time, we created this project as an updated version of the game. THIS VERSION IS FINAL.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
GitHub, Unity (any product)
Drobynko Dmytro - developer
Masliy Bogdan - developer
Zakhotii Anton - artist
Zadvernyuk Artem - animator, composer
Huk-Sataikin Oleh - game designer
Game Stills:
Source files: