UC Santa Cruz Games
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13
A Safe SpaceTired of dying, pain and suffering? Try out this game where you can't fail! There's nothing more to it, but at least you're safe, right? Controls: - WASD/Arrow Keys to Move...
CoinflipHeads or Tails?
DualityThis is a quick prototype me and Enrico whipped up for a platformer where you control two characters at the same time. We're definitely looking at expanding this concept, so keep an eye out!
Duality^2A short unwinnable platformer using a switching mechanic. WASD to move SPACE to jump LSHIFT to shift
Guts n' MetalThis is a game where you are running away from mining metal resources and running away from aliens whilst upgrading your towers to defend yourself.
Magnet ManiaIn a world ruled by robots, the premier entertainment source is "Magnet Mania", an arena where contestants can play an ELECTRIFYING game to win rewards. You must work together with your...
sad turtleWin Condition : Every row and column must be an English word, popular slang, or common acronym. Pick from the letter choices on the bottom block. Place it on the grid to form words that meet the...
Salad DressingHave you ever needed to wash some skinny jeans, but you also needed to toss some salad to get in shape for them? Don’t worry! We’ve got the perfect place to help ya out with both! Welcome to Super...
Something's OffYou're a hunter bringing back food, but the game in this area is strange.
Touch Of RadiumYou are a doctor or something in 1920's trying to heal people with radium and jazz. Use your mouse and try to kill all the virus, but watch out for the mutation. It's a funapocalypse!
TraverseOn the hunt for the magical walnut on a peaceful green field. Every path you traverse could turn on you. Do you have the will to search for the walnut you deserve? An atmospheric puzzle game...
Werewolf TomagatchiAdopt and care for your little guy, and his dark passanger!
Year OneGoing to college and having a dog!