This will be a virtual event, make yourself comfortable at your own place and get ready to create awesome games online!
Food & Drinks:
Even though this Jam will be 100% digital from home we will be sponsoring 1 lunch on Saturday and 1 lunch on Sunday! Planned is to have lunch together to get that true Game Jam feeling!
The “site” which will be our Discord server will open on Friday January 28th. Official Welcome and GGJ Presentation will start at 6:30pm.
The games need to be finished and uploaded till Sunday January 30th at 5pm, after that we can share our projects in a final Presentation, of course if you want to!
Time Zones:
Last year we received feedback about the difficulty to coordinate teams across hugely different time zones during the jam. If you want to participate, do your team mates a favor and commit to being available during European (ideally German) daytimes.
Further information will be provided by email, hope to see you soon!