GGJ China 2022 X CiGA 线上站点 Games
Displaying 1 - 40 of 196
221A simple puzzle game use WASD to control two cube Let them meet!
A Normal Day这个游戏展现了平凡的一天。在游戏中,你会经历一个普通职员的普通生活。坐在你舒适的椅子上,面对着你可爱的办公桌,你可以决定做什么或者不做什么。每个决定都会将你引向一个普通的故事线。享受你平凡的一天吧,希望你可以安安稳稳地结束这一天。 (如果无聊了可以试着点击墙上的图hhhh This is a game about your normal day. In the game,...
About the wonderful adventure after the water was cleaved by thunder操作说明:玩家可操控的角色有三个,分别为氧气,氢气,水 氧气操作: 移动:w s a d 互动:E 氢气操作 移动:↑ ↓ ← → 当氢气和氧气同时位于装置中时,按下P,可融合为水 水操作: 移动:w s a d 唤雨:O(在能量槽充满时按下)
Across the MillenniuMusicThis is a game about Chinese classical and traditional music. It has three levels which are arranged in chronological order.The tracks of each level are placed in different symmetrical forms.Enjoy it...
Atomic Explorer 原子探索者English Version: Atom Explorer Atomic Explorer is a 2D side-scrolling game developed by two people. It contains slight puzzle elements and physical knowledge. We express the theme of this jam -...
Battle AlchemistThis is a turn-based battle game. Players need to combine the corresponding material and spirit to synthesize skills, and then use the skills to defeat monsters. Depending on the combination, the...
BCC NewsIt's something about truth and lie in the news.
Because of YouThe accompanying children of light and shadow need each other, but cannot touch each other. Light creates a path for shadow, and shadow sacrifices for light. They reach the goal together. Finally,...
Beyond the EdgeThis is a game based on the classic "Parkour" playing method. The difference is that players not only have to cross deep pits and high walls, but also constantly switch images and move...
Binary DefenseBinary Defense is an innovative tower defense game based on the micro world inside a cyber component. Players will use binary code streams composed of 0 and 1 as bullets, and resist waves of digital...
BinarySpaceHelp the couple get back together in different time and space.
Biu Biu Pong双人三维弹球,有普通模式、竞技模式、无限模式,按下空格发射小球,双方按H\0旋转桌台让小球倒向自己,玩家A、B分别使用键盘a、d键和键盘←、→键旋转挡板,爽就完了
BlackOrWhiteIn your brain have two role, An angel and devil. You should make a choice in 2min.
Box DungeonBox Dungeon is a two-player confrontation game. Two players play the warrior to Raider dungeon and the demon guarding the dungeon. The player playing the warrior uses the keyboard to control the...
Cat Partical DualityPlayers can switch between two characters (black cat and white cat) and use their own colours to interact with the colours of the maze scene to discover the maze path and work together to reach the...
Cat with Priest - 猫魈背景Background: 中元节到,鬼门关开。七月半,阴气成,忌子夜外出。阴月十五,鬼气森森,寒星凉月下,有猫鬼使鬼蜮伎俩,趁着沟通阴阳的这个日子下手。你可以从它的爪下逃生,乃至重新收服它吗? The Spirit Festival arrives, the ghost gate is open. Mid-July, Yin energy emerge, do not go out...
Cell warGame introduction: The player, as a virus, is chased by white blood cells, which the player needs to survive. Operation instructions: The left mouse button control character movement,...
Chemotherapy追踪:在游戏前五分钟,病菌会不断前行并破坏身体机构,感染体内细胞,并且留下前进痕迹,玩家扮演的药物需要追踪病毒痕迹,修复沿途的身体机构,并消灭被感染的器官,在收集一定信息后会暴露病毒种类,位置以及最终目的地。此时可以选择歼灭或防御。 歼灭:玩家直奔病毒所在地,与病毒进行战斗,最终消灭病毒获得胜利,或者被病毒击杀失败。此时病毒还未成最终形态。 防御:玩家直奔病毒的最终目标器官,...
Chronos' Hand 克洛诺斯之手利用操纵时间的能力从这里逃出去吧!
Circle&Triangle&SquareA puzzle game
Click Day And NightIn the sky, there is a group of black and white energy blocks flowing. Click the correct energy block to score points. During the day, you can only click the white energy block, and at night, you can...
Code name: Gene war在不远的未来,地球联盟得知外星帝国即将在七个世纪后入侵银河系,地球联盟危在旦夕。一个为培养完美领导者而生的“基因战争”计划诞生了,而你,机缘巧合下被选入了计划中,你的后代将带领地联走向何方?你的家族又何去何从? In the not-too-distant future, the Earth Federation is at stake when it learns that an alien...
Coherence试图用横板过关阐释多样性中的同一,和人的认知发展过程。 对偶==问题的转化
ConnectionJust Connect two blocks which have same image.
CrazyThursday(疯狂星期四)疯狂星期四 游戏梗概: 横版世界里主角背着一个老奶奶,在变换形态的两个世界中穿梭。两个世界黑白对立,泾渭分明。主角能够带着老奶奶吃到肯德基疯狂星期四吗 游戏大纲: 主角在前往肯德基的路途中需要在白色世界中躲避陷阱击败敌人。 在两个世界中都有一些仅在本世界无法通过的地形,只有不断地黑白穿梭才能最终抵达目的地。 主角的攻击方式只有一道近距离突刺,但能秒杀敌人;...
Dango AdventureDango adventure is a highly difficult 2D puzzle action game that covers the horizontal version of platform jumping / looking down angle maze mirror image puzzle solving and tests the hand and brain...
Dark And Light【下载百度云密码a3b4】 【The game download link requires a password, CODE: a3b4】 1.平台跳跃类游戏 2.平台分为暗块和亮块,玩家可以切换自身光亮与黑暗两种状态。当玩家状态与平台状态相异是,玩家和平台存在碰撞,两种相同状态,玩家则会穿过平台。 3基本操作: (1)WASD移动,空格跳跃,二次空格二段跳; (2)“J”...
DismantlismSwitch between two scenes and eliminate objects to tear down a fragile tower. Avoid big collapses!
Dot TrapWe will continue developing this game, refer to page for updates(if there is one). A tiny puzzle game. Not finished(yet). Rules: - Shadow will try to imitate your move in a mirrored...
Double Guys SpinYou can also play on: "Double Guys Spin" is a game about black&&white dimensions. The player can generate a doppelganger in another...
Double Guys SpinYou can also play on: "Double Guys Spin" is a game about black&&white dimensions. The player can generate a doppelganger in another...
DoubleSelfOne day, you find yourself become two men. The two men are the two side of you and they do the same actions at the same time. What you need is to find out the way to beat the other side of yourself!
DualA Dual at its own expense! Long press the space to fire a cannonball, but it will consume itself Move slowly left and right
Dual Dream死亡与新生,黑与白,光与暗,困顿与欣喜…… 你沉溺于流淌的时间长流,躺在空荡的房间里,聆听着钟表的滴答声潜入流淌着的血液,与心脏共鸣。 漫天的星星坠入你的身体,你终于沉沉睡去,伴与这平和的最后一夜,与最后一场梦。 在游戏里,有两个联动的房间,其中一个房间的变化会影响另一个房间。玩家需要操纵角色,利用房间的联动机制进行解密,做一场一生的梦。
Duality Curse(二元诅咒)只有两个按键的横板解谜游戏 A puzzle game in which you can use only two button.
DualityCubesA simple(?) platform jumping game
Duality!Yeah~~It's a silly game, just for a little fun. It only take 1 min to play.