GGJ China 2022 × CiGA 站点 – HangZhou Games
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Black with WhiteWASD to move E to change the view you are a child in the Theater ruins. you should Get out of here Make good use of your E to get close to goodwill and stay away from malice
BraveryIn this game, two players will take on the role of a mage and a warrior to defeat enemies. But they can hardly get through the level if they just fight on their own, they have to effectively combine...
BraveryIn this game, two players will take on the role of a mage and a warrior to defeat enemies. But they can hardly get through the level if they just fight on their own, they have to effectively combine...
Fallen Lord2d pixel game & souls like
Galaxy FriendAn infinite collecting game that emphasizes binary stars system and indirect control of the player, a ufo. In this game, your goal is to collect as many colorful meteorites as possible and avoid...
Ignorition"Ignorition" is a mini puzzle game, also a compound word that is made up of Ignorance and Ignition. when player starts the game, they have few seconds to escape or call someone to help....
PasslessWoods[Introduction to the game] “There Is A Pleasure In The Pathless Woods ” In the forest of steel, the soul is survived in the natural colonies, and the depressed cities and the fresh forests seem to...
some kind of dualitythis is a game about eating buys' duality , fat & thin!
Too Many BallsToo Many Balls is a local two-player game with two modes, one is a two-player confrontation with the goal of killing each other, and the other is a two-player co-op with the goal of killing the boss...
两极(1)游戏类型 俯视2d解谜游戏 (2)游戏剧情 被囚禁在废弃实验室的主角依靠自身的磁力变化逃脱 (3)游戏玩法 a.玩家可自由切换角色本身正极/负极/无磁性 b.利用同性相斥异性相吸的原理通过障碍 障碍包括无法行走的道路/阻挡物/… c.场景中存在普通地面和有正负极属性的地面 正负极地面皆有磁力作用范围,需将角色移动到范围内进行解谜
大象超度疯狂火星Be an kawaii elephant. Use mouse to play. No ending.
心灵之间一个屋檐下,两颗心灵缺在两个世界 通过点击左右位置移动 点击屋内的物品,拖拽到指定位置来触发剧情
心灵之间一个屋檐下,两颗心灵缺在两个世界 通过点击左右位置移动 点击屋内的物品,拖拽到指定位置来触发剧情
有笨比厨房你是娜娜,一个有心之壁的女孩。你内心的焦虑让你看到了奇怪的怪物——白色的绒毛怪物,顶着叉子的眼睛,还有奇怪的嘴唇手怪。 为了赚取生活必须的钱,你在一个庆典的后厨打工。 W,A,S,D -------- 移动 E -------- 拿菜与上菜 R -------- 扔出菜 Tab -------- 看到周围的怪物 alt...
灰逝之神(grey god)This game is about to play as a god in this unique world which only you have the ability to change white matter into black or conversely. Make good use of the different properties of black and white...
纯狱风云游戏简介:没想到在光鲜亮丽的背后也有劣迹斑斑的一面,听说c位可以获得减xing的资格,可以提前改过自新重新做人,在这片纯狱舞台上,究竟谁才是纯狱c位?这一场风云争斗拉响了号角! 游戏规则:使用手柄操控p1p2两边玩家进行对抗,每局开始前任选两名角色,使用每个角色独有的射击技能把对面踢出舞台,当对面第一个角色gg则上场第2个角色,2名角色都gg则你获得了胜利!
遗忘之海 Forgotten Sea玩家扮演一只小鸡,在情绪平衡跷跷板上搬运从天而降的悲伤方块与快乐方块,留下快乐,将悲伤抛进遗忘之海以维持内心情绪的稳定。百度网盘提取密码:5vwi