Desert and space. Quails and aliens. Dark and light. Good and evil. Desktop and VR.
Welcome to Yonderquail, an asymmetrical multiplayer game where quails try to find their missing feathers while radioactive boulders fall from the sky. Enormous UFOs, controlled by the VR player, hover above. Will the quails find their feathers, or will they be too afraid of the mysterious quails lurking on the dark side of the planet? Will the VR player guide them to their goal and remove obstacles, or will they drop boulders and enemies on the hapless quails?
Maybe the real asymmetrical multiplayer was the friends we made along the way. (P.S. You can find the Quest version on the linked page!)
Jam Site:
Jam year:
Be Visionary - (Sponsored by Sony Interactive Entertainment)
MS Windows, Virtual Reality platform
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product), Virtual reality head mount display (Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, etc.)
Technology Notes:
We used Photon Fusion (beta) as our multiplayer library, and built for both desktop and Oculus Quest headsets.
Programming - Knipsch and Giezi
Environment Art - Mark Hammond
Character Art and Animation - Odd Creampuff
2D Art, UI, and Concepts - Ruprety
Music - Nyxah
Game Website:
Game Stills:
Source files: