EN - A game about joining 2 characters who have been cursed, one can only move by day and the other can only move at night, use your powers to switch between day and night and help the characters climb the magic tower to break the spell and finally be able to meet again.
BR - Um jogo sobre juntar 2 personagens que foram amaldiçoados, um pode se mover apenas de dia e o outro apenas de noite, use os seus poderes para alternar entre o dia e a noite e ajudar os personagens a escalar a torre mágica para quebrar o feitiço e finalmente poderem se reencontrar.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
20th Century Gaming
Stick Together
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes:
EN - Aseprite used to make the Pixel art, Adobe XD to prototype the interface.
BR - Aseprite usado para fazer as Pixel arts, Adobe XD para prototipar a interface.
Installation Instructions:
EN - Unzip the file "GGJ_directory_structure.zip", open the "GGJ_directory_structure" folder, search for the "release" folder, read the "README.text" file, open the "TowerForTwo" folder and execute the "Tower For Two.exe" to play the game.
BR - Extraia o arquivo "GGJ_directory_structure.zip", abre a pasta "GGJ_directory_structure" , procure pela pasta "release", leia o arquivo de texto "README.text", abre a pasta "TowerForTwo" e execute o programa "Tower For Two.exe" para jogar o jogo.
Team / Equipe
- Saul Rodrigues Alcântara - Game Designer, Pixel Artist, Technichal Artist.
- Pedro Henrique (Haro) - Programmer.
- Ilan Sousa - Level Designer, Game Designer, Programmer.
- Marc Xara - Graphic Designer, UI Designer.
Game Website:
Game Stills:
Source files: