Mobzerella is a 3D scans based game -
All characters and buildings are actual real life models scanned and put into the game!
You live in an Italian neighborhood controlled by two mafia families: The Ketchupinni's and the Mayonelli's. You got in trouble with both families, and since they each own a family Pizzeria, they both agreed to let you post Pizza flyers in order to pay your monthly debt.
Dress up as a member of Ketchupinni to post a Ketchupinni poster and as a Mayonelli for the latter.
Don't get spotted posting a flyer for the opposite family!
Survive as long as you can and keep paying your monthly debt!
Jam Site:
Jam year:
MS Windows, Web standard (HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Flash)
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes:
3d scanned plasticine and cardboards models
Omer Zadok - Programming
Yoel Simchovitch - 3D Modeling, Programming
Avishai Simchovitch - Art
Yair Familier - Art, Sound
Nave - 3D Modeling
Game Website:
Game Stills:
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