"Between Two Worlds" is a platform and action game in first person, where the player must switch between two worlds using portals that complement each other to complete the levels.
"Between Two Worlds" es un juego de plataformas y acción en primera persona, donde el jugador debe cambiar entre dos mundos utilizando portales que se complementan para completar los niveles.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Installation Instructions:
Extract zip and open executable
Francisco Miguel Toro Cáceres - Programmer and Game Designer
Kevin Leal Zaldívar - Art 3D
Daniel Pinazo Rubio - Animations 3D
Francisco Manuel González Martín - Programmer
Jonathan Sarmiento Gómez - Art 3D and 2D
Indira Cuéllar Rueda - Art 2D
Game Stills:
Download Link: