As a dog who recently passed away, take the reluctant recently-deceased cat with you and head back across the Rainbow Bridge to reunite in spirit with your grieving owner.
In each level, first build a bridge by dragging the pieces on the left onto the playfield. You need to create a path from the dog to the cat, and then to the exit door. Careful: placing red pieces causes all unplaced pieces to rotate clockwise, orange pieces rotate counterclockwise, yellow pieces cause everything to flip vertically, green pieces flip horizontally, and blue pieces have no effect on anything else while placed. Once you place a piece on the play field, it can no longer be moved.
When all pieces are placed, use the arrow keys to move the dog to first pick up the cat, then reach the exit (you only have to travel adjacent to them, not stand on them). However, you can't traverse the same space twice, so make sure when building your bridge to leave yourself room without having to backtrack! If you get stuck, at any time you can press R to restart the current level.
There are seven levels total, and opening and closing cut scenes (in the cut scenes press space bar to progress). We hope you enjoy it!
Jam year:
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
GameMaker (any product)
Technology Notes:
Made with GameMaker Studio 1, v1.4.999. If using source, may be incompatible with other versions.
Installation Instructions:
For source: download source zip file, unzip into GameMaker projects folder, open project as normal.
For executable: download zip file, unzip to folder of your choice, run executable in that folder.
Janis Schreiber: Visual Art, Music Composition, Original Concept
Ian Schreiber: Implementation, Systems Design
Game Stills:
Source files: