Seek, and ye shall find

A 2D pixelart point and click adventure game. Let's play hide and seek with your daughter and wife. The game is made in the Adventure Game Studio engine. How to play: - Use your mouse to interact with objects and characters. - Mouse click to speed through the dialogue. The soundtrack is played by my dad: John Uktolseja PS: Still have to polish it. With love, Cherry
Jam year: 
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies: 
Adventure Game Studio
Technology Notes: 
Aseprite for the backgrounds, sprites and characters.
Installation Instructions: 

Download the Peanut Panda - Seek - GGJ2021 file and unpack it. Click on the GGJ21.exe file to start the game. For Windows only!!


Soundtrack by John Uktolseja

Story, art and scripting by Cherilyn Uktolseja

Game Stills: 
Game Tags: 
Point & Click
