Stars and constellations can also be lonely, lost in time and space, in responsibilities and stereotypes.
Once Upon a Star is a story of the road and change, not only for the lost, but also for those seeking their place in the vast universe.
Game is a combination of 2D platformer with some deep visual storytelling.
Control keys:
AD - walking left/right,
SHIFT - sprint,
SPACEBAR / W - jump,
Left mouse button / J - attack,
Right mouse button / K - dash,
P / ESC - Pause .
Remember to collect stars and pet the snails :)
Jam Site:
Jam year:
Destination: Happy Place - (Sponsored by Unity)
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
Unreal Engine
Technology Notes:
Dragonbones - for animations (great open source program for skeletal animation)
Installation Instructions:
Download from the link below Once Upon A file from google drive, unpack and run .exe file.
There is some lag beetween first and second scene, don't worry after 1-3 clicks it should go further :)
Yes, we had to remove main menu (it was beautiful, believe us!) and there is no music - but it's easy to imagine the sound of stars! :D
chomash: programming
enzer : level & game design, animation, art
pajonk: concept & character art, enviro
iamarebel: animation, art, narrative
Special thanks to:
- Hiena - for English text corrections
- Miraine - for 'hardware' support
Game Stills:
Source files:
Download Link: