Davis is a middle-aged Lost-and-Found owner trying to help people regain their lost treasures. Over the years, his storage grew quite large, since he refuses to throw away any items. He is convinced that every item will find its way back home eventually, if he tries hard enough! Some day he'll even find some time to fix the lamps in the storage area ...maybe.
Lately, one particular customer has been giving him a hard time: Granny Harriet would loose her head, if it weren't still attached! Instead, she manages to misplace everything a person could possibly own. Luckily, the citizens of Townville are quite righteous and bring all objects they find to Davis' Amazing Lost-Property Office. Maybe YOU can help Harriet and Davis?
Jam Site:
Jam year:
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
Godot Engine
Technology Notes:
Krita, Procreate, Ableton live
Installation Instructions:
W/D Move
Space Jump
E Pick-up/Drop Item
Q Enter door
Mouse Move flashlight
Repository Link:
Game Stills:
Source files: