Um dia o navio do Capitão Alcides foi invadido por inimigos poderosos que destruindo a sua tripulação e mais importante ainda, roubando a sua preciosa garrafa de vinho
tinto. O capitão decidiu então juntar uma equipa capaz de encontrar os responsáveis e encontrar o seu tinto.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
Spinal Tap
Double Take
Get to the point
On the safe side
MS Windows, Web standard (HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Flash)
Tools and Technologies:
RPG Maker
Technology Notes:
The character's were made in a software called Game Character hub, tiles were edited in photshop.
Installation Instructions:
To play the game you just need to run the GAME.exe (windows) or the index.html to run it like an HTML 5 games.
Scirpts Used: Visutellas Tier 0 and 1 Scripts
Icons: Avy's Icon Workshop [Update Jan 2021]
Tiles: Avy's MV Stuff, Strawberry Creations
And special thanks to Afonso Vitório and Diogo Martinho for making the first adventure of Alcides
Game Stills:
Source files: