Find the constellations in the glowing Stars of this place. Explore, and find the right point of view to look at a specific patern.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes:
Complete list of tools used :
- Maya
- Unity 2020.2.1f1
- Logic pro X
- FL Studio 20
Installation Instructions:
Download, extract & launch the exe.
Escape : pause game
Ctrl : show patern to find
ZQSD : move the character
Space : jump
This game was made by:
- KALITA Milo (3D artist)
- LOURTIES Thomas (Game / Level Designer)
- PELLOUX Romain (Composer / Sound Designer)
- HEZON Romain (Composer / Sound Designer)
- COLIN Simon (Developer)
- PACAUD BOEHM Corentin (Developer)
- DUMARTIN Lucas (Developer)
Source files: