Welcome to Shock Lab 2020! If you want to join us or stay with us for the night we ask you to please fill out this form to inform us of your needs and wishes: Click here to go to the form! (:
We personally want to be a very inclusive jam site. We are looking to attract anyone, but especially young inexperienced (potentional) game developers. People who might have very unconventional, different or new ideas about games. Possibly with not a lot of experience, or experience in other creative areas such as singing, musical instruments, physical or performance art or even other non-related or non-creative skills.
Shock Lab is een chille, inclusieve werkplek waar we extra aandacht hebben voor introverts en minorities.
We zien vaak dat mensen in hun dagelijks leven ver reizen of afgezonderd werken. We willen samenwerken graag de moeite waard maken.
Dit is een creatieve workshop met begeleiding. Van ons! :D De tijd en energie die je in ons investeert willen we je graag in meervoud terug betalen.
You never know where your skills or knowledge can be applied, as along as you're enthusiastic to work on some sort of game, we'll make it work! We hope this event will leave you with a feeling of accomplishment.
It's a 20-25 minute walk from Hoorn train station. Near the site there is also busstop Wabenstraat, from there to Holenweg 14G is 0,7km. We will begin the keynote friday 17:00 and doors will open 16:45. Let us know if you're having trouble bringing your equipment or want to meet us earlier.
More detailed schedule will be available soon!
16:45 doors open
17:00 Keynote en beginpresentatie met Shem en Miwi
Dinner, Brainstorm, group forming
10:00 site opens
making ggj project page
10:00 site opens
14:00-15:00 game upload
Eindpresentatie met Bernou en Allitze
Uit eten met zijn allen?
20:00 opruimen en afsluiten
I would like to point out one more time: you don't need any programming, drawing or other skills to join this jam. Even if you are very skilled, we are encouraging you to try something you have never done before. (: You'll be alble to see the significance your own contribution, but the most important thing is we have a fun weekend together! We really hope to facilitate surprising encounters and unexpected connections. See you there!