Diversidade Recife Games
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
HypermnesiaIn a desolated landscape, you must find what you've lost, and become whole once more.
Loop the Loop"A long Time ago, there was a clock that counted all Time. But now, that clock is falling apart. And Time is breaking. You must work in the past and present to repair it. But Time is fleeting....
Re;Pair to Full....Maybe we can mend things back.
ToêToê é um jogo pensado para auxiliar o ensino da língua materna do povo Xukuru. Considerando o tema do GGJ 2020, "Consertar", Toê surge pela urgência de se revitalizar a língua nativa dos...
UnbreakoutUnbreakout is a reverse Breakout. Instead of breaking blocks, players will hit empty spaces to restore the destroyed blocks and rebuild the complete level.