A traveler embarks on a journey to their home planet. Unfortunately, a strange gravity field pulls their spaceship onto a strange planet, causing it to crash. The traveler, with limited resources must find a way to repair that spaceship, while the planet slowly reveals its true nature.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
.Net, Unity (any product)
Technology Notes:
Photoshop, etc.
Installation Instructions:
Arrows: Movement + Dig
Space: Jump + Boosters
E (while on spaceship): Upgrades & Repairs
Miltos Nedelkos: Direction & Development
Argiris Chatziargyriou: Development
Nikos Mouratidis: Game Design
Foteini Tyrovouzi: Art
Viktoria Kapeti: Game Design & Audio
Xenophon Venios: Game Design & Audio
Dimitris Fotopoulos: Brainstorming
Game Stills: