The royal couple has drifted apart. The royal household is divided into two: Those, who want to see them come back together in love (supporters) and those, who want to profit from a divorce (opposers). The players take on the roles of the two leaders of both camps and pursue their respective targets: To *repair* the royal marriage or destroy it forever. A Solitaire inspired two-player game about repairing a relationship at the royal court – or destroying it.
Jam year:
Non-digital game (board game, card game, physical game, sport, etc.)
Tools and Technologies:
Tabletop Technology
Technology Notes:
1 Standard Deck of Poker Cards
Installation Instructions:
Read the rules, get a pack of cards and start playing! :)
Game Design
Sascha Reinhold
Max Lange
Tobias Pelzl
Jannik Boysen
Lowis Schwahn
(Thanks so much for your valuable feedback!)
Game Stills:
Source files: