During a rough sailing, the headlight guiding the little robot GRAB.Y to shore broke. The result was devastating, both to the boat as well to the little robot. Equipped only with its PULL'EM ™, GRAB.y needs to repair and cross the deserted island's infrastructure to repair the lighthouse, thus avoiding any more accidents.
GRAB.y is a puzzle platformer in which players need to find a way to fix structures and move foward.
Durante uma viagem tumultuosa, a luz do farol guiando o pequeno robô PEG.e quebrou. O resultado foi devastador tanto para o barco quanto para o robôzinho. Equipado com apenas seu PUX'E™, PEG.e precisa consertar e atravessar a infraestrutura da ilha para consertar o farol e, com isso, evitar outros acidentes.
PEG.e é um puzzle de plataforma em que os jogadores precisam encontrar uma maneira de consertar estruturas e seguir em frente.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
Language-Independence (Sponsored by Valve Software)
MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux / Unix
Tools and Technologies:
Godot Engine
Technology Notes:
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Maya, Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Corel Draw
Installation Instructions:
Igor Silva
Shur Stephano
Felipe Carvalho (Pancho)
Camila Andrade
Bernardo Russo | Sound Design, Level Design |
Dayanne Coutinho | Arte 2D, Graphic Design |
Eudson Souza | Programação |
Lucas Rufino | Programação |
Victor Leite | Level Design, UI |
Victor Malloni | Modelagem 3D |
Camila Andrade |
Igor Silva |
Felipe Carvalho (Pancho) |
Kokku |
Shur Stephano |
Música | Walking in Line; Freedom Trail Studio ; https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/ |
Efeitos |
Waves Crashing on Rock Beach; Hammer On Cement; Metal Strike on Wood; Drilling at Construction; Bale Elevator Long; Air-Nailer Aluminum; Bicycle Pedal Grind; Glass Windows Crashing; Robot movement, roll on tracks across floor, medium length. Version 1 |
Game Stills:
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