The player takes the role of the Bauaufsicht in the größte Baustelle of the known universe: The Todesstern! But budget constrained forced the Imperator to use a lot of Billiglohn independent Contractors, who (*surprise*) made a lot of Pfusch during contruction. Now the Todesstern is FUBAR (Fuck up beyond any repair) and the Imperator is not amused. You as the Bauaufsicht are personally send by the imperator to make an end to the Pfusch and exterminate all independent contractors who did not meet the expected quality standards. You have to be rigorous and thorough in your Baustellenkontrolle.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
Assist Mode
MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux / Unix
Tools and Technologies:
Unreal Engine
Video Link:
Game Stills: