DRUNK PILOT PENETRATING TINY PLANETS. Pilot crashes in planet and destroys his spaceship, and guess what?! Now he needs to repair it.
In this game, a drunk astronaut crashes into the planet, his ship is broken into pieces and he needs to have time to fix it before oxygen runs out of air cans. A brave astronaut runs around the planet and tries to assemble his ship until time runs out. The game is made in the style of classic arcades where the player has only one life. JUST TRY IT !
Jam Site:
Jam year:
Language-Independence (Sponsored by Valve Software)
And Now, The Weather
MS Windows, Mac OS X
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes:
All 3D models were made in a Blender.
Installation Instructions:
Mac version - https://www.dropbox.com/s/reuem893lwl1bpz/DrunkPilotPenetrates.app.zip?dl=0
Windows game version you can download below (Executable)
- Kyrylo Berezhnov - 3D Artist
- Asim Gasimzade - Programmer, Designer, Git
- Arturs Velikotnijs - Animation, VFX and Designer
- Turgut Ekmekci - Programmer
- Pavel Trostianko - Programmer
Video Link:
Repository Link:
Game Stills:
Source files: