Welcome to the Global Game Jam 2019 at the Harz University of Applied Sciences, hosted by the degree programmes 'Media Informatics (B.Sc.)' and 'Media and Games Conception (M.A.)'.
Media and Games Conception: http://bit.ly/1HE9LGj
Media Informatics: http://bit.ly/2gpHtgz
Our jam site is located in Building 9 ("Papierfabrik") on the Campus of the Harz University of Applied Sciences in Wernigerode.
Available Equipment: Computers w/Unity, Adobe Suite, Maya, Libre Office Suite, WLAN etc.
External participants (who are not students or employees of the University), should preferably bring their own computers.
We provide a quiet room for sleeping and resting as well as the possibility to use the shower rooms. Please know where your towel is, bring your own sleeping bags, mats, toothbrush and survival kits.
Don't forget to rest, move and sleep once in a while!
There is a bakery and shops nearby, as well as vending machines in the University buildings.