After crash landing in a medieval society, you realize your only hope for the survival of your species is the Terramorph Egg that you were transporting with you. Protect The Egg from knights and sorcerers until such a time as they perish for good.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Installation Instructions:
Download ZIP file from below. Afte it downloads unzip it and run the executable file "Wheat Beater"
Computer Programmers:
Jeffrey Abhsie: UI designer and particle effects designer
Dylan White: Player controller
Andre Griffin: Audio, post processing, asssited in UI, and Mascot
Jon Davis: Programmed various aspects
Jaquon Desso: environment, some particle effects
Evan Murphy: weapon design, egg design, and UI health elements
Gavin Sipes: character designer
Honorable Mentions to two other Jammers, Jeffery Guerrero and Sam Wakefield for the asistance they offered to our team.
Game Stills:
Source files: