
Our game is about collaborating to create our home together.
Jam year: 
Use the Source, Luke (Sponsored by GitHub)
Language-Independence (Sponsored by Valve Software)
Keep it simple
Thomas Wasn't Alone
MS Windows, Linux / Unix
Technology Notes: 
Game was made with the awesome Love2D engine. Graphical assets with After Effects, Photoshop and Illustrator. Sound made with Ableton Live 10 and Audacity.
Installation Instructions: 

The game needs a gamepad to work properly (actually it'll crash without one)

Easy installation procedure

Download the Tandem_exec.zip found below this description, unzip and execute the Tandem.exe program.

Hard installation procedure

Clone the repo at https://github.com/GirardR1006/GGJ_2019, or download the Tandem_source.zip below.

Then, choose the following according to your OS:


Launch the build_windows.sh script, unzip the obtained file and double-click on game.exe.
Alternatively, you can download LÖVE2D on https://love2d.org/ and launch the game from there


Download LÖVE2D on https://love2d.org/ and launch LÖVE on folder GGJ_2019


Benjamin Ben Kemoun - 2D art, Game design

Théo Golvet - Sound Design

Julien Girard - Developper, the guy who knows git

Quentin Jutard - Developper, Game design

Bougalou - Cheerful gorilla

Made with the awesome LÖVE2D Framework

Special thanks to Manuel Asnar and Juliette Dubois

Game Stills: 
Source files: 