House of Memories

House of Memories is a 2D motorcycle game, where you play as robot named Dod, who lives in a post-apocalyptic world and as a hobby, he likes to travel around to understand even more about humanity. As he travels, he likes to collect objects for his home. Today, however, he stayed outside a bit too long and so is low on battery. Help Dod get home safely, and if possible collect items as you go to make Dod's home more confortable! Up arrow - Go forward Down arrow - Go backwards Right arrow - Lift motorcycle back (rotate) Left arrow - Lift motorcycle front (rotate)
Jam year: 
MS Windows, Linux / Unix
Tools and Technologies: 
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes: 
All art was drawn in Krita, and the game was completely developed under Kubuntu Linux using Unity.
Installation Instructions: 

Just run the executables for your operating system.


Gabriel de Moura Peres - Github

Lucas da Silva de Lima Github

Game Stills: 
Source files: 