
Team Unreal Tallinn presents Homesick, a single player game where player strives to survive in the hazardous room of flying, sliding, object and complete their objectives moving through a shaky room. The game was aimed to be fun and silly. Enjoy but with care— a bed where he can sleep in. Controls:- Movement:- Arrow Key / WASD Jump: Spacebar Interact: E
Jam year: 
Keep it simple
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies: 
Unreal Engine

Project Lead : Suhaib Rehman Khan

Programmers : Roman Gorislavski, Roman Romanov, Ardi Vaba

Level Designer: Yan Asadchy, Roman Romanov

Art & Sound : Aleksei Tepljakov

3D Assets: Synty Studio Assets From UE4 Market Place.

Game Stills: 
Source files: