The vast ocean can be unknowable, unforgiving, and intimidating. Especially for Koi, who got separated from his parents at a young age due to the sudden global warming induced changes to ocean currents. Help Koi, the boy koi, feel at home while navigating the dark waters by befriending fish travel companions. "Home schooling" for humans sometimes results in isolated teenagers, but for Koi, it's his way of building the family he never had.
Instructions: Hold left click or touch to move. Chrome preferred.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
Use the Source, Luke (Sponsored by GitHub)
Language-Independence (Sponsored by Valve Software)
Keep it simple
Sticky Finger
Web standard (HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Flash)
Technology Notes:
BabylonJS and Blender
Team Members
Jacob Slone
Miguel Sotolongo
Daniel Lee
Bubbles.wav sound effect by under Creative Commons.
Repository Link: