What does home mean to you? A short atmospheric experience where the player must search a small patch of land for what makes home, home. Collect objects, find companions and ward off enemies, while wandering the various biomes the world has to offer, but make sure you have your house ready by nightfall!
Jam year:
Language-Independence (Sponsored by Valve Software)
Scale With A Song
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes:
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Audition
FL Studio
Adobe Photoshop
Autodesk Maya 2018
Installation Instructions:
Unzip and run Home.exe
Development Team:
Nick Burns - Level Design / UI Art / Sound
Jasmine Chan - Art
David Dunkelman - Art / Programming / Sound
Jackie Ellis - Programming / UI Programming
Cameron Proulx - Programming / Animation
Andrew Smith - Programming
Additional Credits:
Michael Dillabough - Music
Game Stills:
Source files: