Home is...

“Home is…” is a short bitsy anthology made for Global Game Jam 2019. Homes have their own voices and personalities, each distinct and unique one from the other. With this in mind, each member of our team created a home for you to visit and explore, with its own story to tell. Walk within their walls, learn of the people who live there, and listen to what the homes have to say. “Home is…” features 7 homes, created by Florencia Rumpel Rodriguez, Felipe N. Cassina, Julián Kopp, Nicolás Delfino, Leno, and Pablo F. Quarta.
Jam Site: 
Jam year: 
Super Secret Stash
Public Domain
Web standard (HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Flash)
Tools and Technologies: 
Bitsy game maker

“Home is…” features 7 homes, created by Florencia Rumpel Rodriguez, Felipe N. Cassina, Julián Kopp, Nicolás Delfino, Leno, and Pablo F. Quarta.

Game Stills: 
Source files: 