Hexen 2 OCD Jam

This is a Hexen 2 level (not quite a mod) inspired by the theme “What does home mean” for the 2019 Global Game Jam. The level was created in TrenchBroom. Your goal is to organize the imperfect items in your house... Can you find them?
Jam Site: 
Jam year: 
Always Room for One More (Sponsored by Origin Access)
Use the Source, Luke (Sponsored by GitHub)
Super Secret Stash
MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux / Unix
Technology Notes: 
-Hexen 2 (Quake 1) engine -Hammer of Thyrion source port -QuakeC (HexenC) -TrenchBroom -QuArK -Blender
Installation Instructions: 

To play it you will need a copy of Hexen 2. It is recommended to play with the “Hammer of Thyrion” open source Hexen 2 port.

1. Get Hexen 2 set up:

1a. Download this port of Hexen 2 and extract the zip (this will be the main hexen2 game folder)
http://uhexen2.sourceforge.net (get the right version for your OS)

1b. Get the Hexen2 data files from your own copy of the game; copy the data files pak0.pak and pak1.pak into the hexen2 /data1/ folder

2. Download our game jam zip file and unzip it into the main hexen2 folder (so there is a folder called ocdjam in the hexen2 folder)

3. Download a launcher bat file and place into the ocdjam folder. Then just run that to launch the game!
Windows: https://github.com/hooby3dfx/hexen2ocdjam/blob/master/winlaunch.bat
Mac: https://github.com/hooby3dfx/hexen2ocdjam/blob/master/maclaunch.sh (cd into the hexen2/ocdjam dir, then run with "sh maclaunch.sh")

4. Adjust the game settings:

  • Video settings: change the resolution to something that works/looks well for you, and consider fullscreen. Highly recommend low res such as 640x480 scaled fullscreen with aspect ratio preserved (not stretched to wide screen). 
  • Audio settings: make sure audio is set to 'all codecs' and the music volume is up!
  • Controls: recommend using: wasd, mouse look on, and q/e for item prev/next, and r to activate item, c crouch, space jump



-Bryan Barnes “hooby3dfx” (understanding engine, troubleshooting)

-Matt (level design, art)

-Austin (models and textures)

-Dan (audio track)

-Jim (inspiration)


Game Stills: 
Source files: 