Hello, is this home?

What is home? Is it a place, loved ones, or is it something ethereal, like a state-of-mind? "Hello, is this home?" is a game about yourself, as you try to find home in your new town. In your search you'll meet delightful and unique characters, each with their own definition of home. You'll need to get to know your community and find objects of interest to use during conversations. Will they help you forge your own definition or confuse you even more? Sit back, enjoy the ride and ask yourself: Hello, is this home?
Jam year: 
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies: 
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes: 
Adobe Photoshop, Autodesk Maya, Sourcetree, Unity, Visual Studio Code,


Gabrielle Pinto

Leticia de Vicq

Game Design

Bruna Lucchesi

Maria Isabel Mariz

Nelson José Donato


Leonardo Kaplan

Renan da Fonte

Special Thanks

Bruno Lopes

Felipe Pessoa

Instituto Gênesis

Ivan Duffles

Raphael Ramos

Game Stills: 
Source files: