New York, 2021. In the depth of Oceans, the offenses of humans are preparing the revenge. Everyone knows what will destroy us, but no one knows how to stop it. Orcs, who we silenced during all the years of toxic rejections, are now invading our lands in research of pollution-free space. And the hero that will stop that will probably become president of the world (when it will be possible (I guess))... But now...
But now we don't care about those things. Our story happens in Belgium, in a small town called Grupont. A guy has a problem with mutant food (yes I just seen "The Incredible Hulk") and needs to protect his house from them. He needs to eat that all but can't get too fat, or the food will be too fast...
Jam Site:
Jam year:
Protect the Oceans
MS Windows, Web browser with special plugins or packaged apps
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Installation Instructions:
There a no special insctruction for installation. You have the joystick to move and Space/Button A for dash.
Game Designer: Romain Bayer
Graphic designers: Peng Ndizeye, Mélanie Vienne, Emilie Vienne, Romain Bayer
Level Designer: Roel Bisschops
Programmers: Thomas Finet , John Flex
Video Link:
Repository Link:
Source files: